Thirteen Months Thirteen Stories One Tour

by Jerzy Zarzycki



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/26/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9780595242412

About the Book

Jerzy Zarzycki, a Vietnam Veteran, has written and collected a number of short stories that corresponds to his memories of thirteen months he served in a combat zone. A student of Hemingway, he strives to write not only reality but fiction in a clean, concise and uncluttered manner that Ernest himself wrestled with, all the while, depicting the struggle that men endure trying to understand and prove their manhood. Sometimes humorous, sometimes horrible, the stories exhibit true human emotion, not always good, and the results it elicits from the people involved. Zarzycki makes no excuses for himself or his characters, explaining that sometimes people set events in motion, and the people they affect, have no control over what happens to them in the present, or the future.

About the Author

Jerzy Zarzycki is an adjunct professor in a number of colleges. He also runs an organization known as the Grey Guerillas that publishes a bi-monthly newsletter. As a talented photographer, his endeavors take him all over the United States, but professes to be just a Rahway boy at heart.