Viagro Blue
Book Details
About the Book
Thirty years before Viagra, 44288, An Ohio Mental Patient and author of the amazing Quatrain, Some Die Mad, conceives of Viagro, a pill to help male erections which goes terribly wrong and wrecks (creates?) the life of a New York insurance company actuary called Millard Fillmore. We all never got to see Vincent Van Gogh pen some cartoons for the New Yorker but this is probably the next best thing. Prepare to fall off your sofa.
About the Author
44288: b. 6/10/35. A 1953 graduate of Newark, Ohio High School, 44288 was President of Honor Society, Treasurer of Student Council and Secretary of Key Club. Won Denison University scholarship. Worked 11 months on B&O Railroad Section, Outville Gang. Managed Newark Municipal Pool three summers. Dropped out of Ohio State University after being accepted into Law School for class of 1957. Went instead to New York to become a poet. Wound up on New York Bowery. Thumbed up and down Eastern Seaboard while on the road. Probated Columbus State Hospital Fall of 1959. Wrote quatrain Some Die Mad 1962/63. End recorded at Akron St. Thomas Hospital Alcoholic Ward Labor Day of 1968. High school file contained standard document asking 44288 what he wanted to do in life and after he graduated. He said he wanted to ?Be a writer.??Perry Aayr.