Wealth Consciousness
A Guide from Babaji for Prosperity
Book Details
About the Book
Trailblazing mental techniques given to us from Master Babaji. Here is wisdom to enliven the wealth within every person.
Learn ageless techniques to flow and create with nature's power. Discover your subconscious and take charge of it. Come to grips with fear and anger. Open up to the infinite intelligence of the Unified Field, and tackle a surefire way to receive knowledge. Experience loving relationships, prosperity, happiness, and control over your life.
With time and perseverance, these 18 techniques enliven the Master within--your Self. Wealth is just one of the rewards.
About the Author
ROGER LANPHEAR is a 1961 law graduate from UC Berkeley, a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, a graduate of the TM-Sidhi Program, a Rebirther, a healer in Reiki and Mahikari, a Polarity Therapist, an author of five books, and a channel of Babaji with whom he has published the Web Site www.simplemeditation.com.