A Few Good Acres

The Odyssey of Thomas Beaty and His Descendants in America

by Marvin T. Beatty



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 6/24/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781440144516
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 396
ISBN : 9781440144530

About the Book

A poor but determined young Scots-Irish immigrant, Thomas Beaty, worked his way across colonial Pennsylvania contending with Indians, blizzards and uncertain land titles until he and his hardy wife were able to buy a steep farm on the frontier. There, they raised their twelve children. As successive generations follow the frontier westward battling tornados, alcoholism, locusts, prairie fires, betrayal, drought, and disease, they prosper amid the booms and busts of the changing rural economy.

Through hard work and determination some of them manage to hang on to a few good acres of rich farm land. A Few Good Acres tells the story of the Beaty family from the very beginning when Tom and his brother, Will, take the boat to America from Ireland to find a place to call home. Tom Beaty and the generations to follow will explore the frontier to find good land on which to farm and raise their families.

About the Author

Marvin T. Beatty has been studying soils and land since he was about eight years old. He attended Montana State College and did his graduate study in soil science at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where he taught until his retirement. He lives with his wife, Ellouise, in Madison, Wisconsin.