Ulysses, A Novel

by Robert Skimin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/13/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 464
ISBN : 9781440118203

About the Book

Ulysses chronicles the remarkable life of Ulysses S. Grant and the people who thrived on his strengths and preyed on his weaknesses in a dramatic and compelling style that combines James Michener and Irving Stone. Ulysses offers a rich tapestry of Grant’s life—from West Point to the Civil War to the White House, from his trouble with alcohol to heroism. A review in the Dallas Morning News described it as “better than the biographies.” And a retired Air Force Academy history dean wrote, “…a masterful job of biographical reconstruction.”

About the Author

Robert Skimin, a retired army officer, has built a successful career as a respected historical novelist. Noted for his deep research and historical accuracy, his works have visited many bestseller lists. He is now working on Danny Drumm’s Heroes, an elementary school age kid’s series that will entail all of American history in 40-some volumes. He resides in El Paso, Texas.