One Light

A Poetry of Life, Dreams & Visions

by John Lawrence Farmer



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/15/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781440113932

About the Book

This feeling so sweet,
Makes us want to keep it
For ourselves—
Yet it is sweet,
Only in the sharing…
Else it could not exist.

— Excerpt from the poem Sweetness
John Lawrence Farmer

What would you do, if suddenly your life changed completely and catastrophically? When there is no way to recover who you were or what you had… left abandoned by all you believe in. Into whom or what can you place your trust? These are questions that many people are confronted by at some point in their lives.
The poems of One Light were written during such a time… a span of four years in which the author came to question every aspect of life, love, and self-existence. In this period of soul-searching and contemplation, he started to have phrases that came to him, rising unexpectedly from his subconscious mind. These phrases and lines of prose were bits of answers that came in response to his quandary.
One Light is a celebration of the recognition that all of life is connected. Heartfelt poetry that peers into the most meaningful and fundamental questions of this Life and beyond… and dares to give an answer!

About the Author

John L. Farmer is a survivor of a nearly fatal head injury. He is now a retired technician from the field of scientific instrumentation. John has been writing poetry from the age of 14. He lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his true love and their exceptional cat.