Book Details
About the Book
AMAZING STORIES AND ARTICLES is a stimulating and exciting book with fifty-six stories and articles. Some health topics are A Doctor’s Dilemma, A Nurse’s Life and Hospital Exposure. Articles and stories about social issues and experiences are Indian Celebrations in India, Chelsey Rogers, A Neglected Child, Married Life, Vivid Memories, Paul’s Sudden Blindness, Different Arrangements, A Rocky Life, Immature People Versus Mature People, Biography of Thomas Kenneth Wignall, Cowboy Extravaganza, The Book Worm, Nellie’s Service to Others and Annette Wore Glasses.
Scientific topics are My Chemistry Teacher, From Darkness to Light, Theodore’s Scientific Discoveries, Volcanoes and Craters, A Spider’s Life, Tidal Waves, Fresh Water and Spectrums. Educational topics are The Choir Director,
The College Professor and Jamie, The Slow Learner.
Religious topics are Phenomenal Awareness, Life of Mormons, Christmas Holidays and Easter Egg Hunt. Adventure topics are Pumpkin Celebration, New York Odyssey, Julian, the Bank Robber, Mount Shasta Mystery, The Hidden Cavern, Worthwhile Journeys, Shangri-La, Michelle’s Camel and Climbing Mt. Rainier.
Miscellaneous topics are A Paradox, Selecting a Mink Coat, Halloween Capers, Commercial Cars, Buttercup, Our Family Cow, Factory Workers, Meat on the Table, Scissors Are Useful, Corsages and Bouquets, Skyscrapers, A Great Opportunity, You Really Want to Know? Tiffany Lamps, Antique Shops and
Television and Film Fans.
AMAZING STORIES AND ARTICLES will stimulate your mind because of the wide variety of worthwhile topics and detailed descriptions and examples ex-pressed in each article and story.
About the Author
Cecelia Frances Page has a B.A. and M.A. in Education. She focused in English, Speech and Psychology. Cecelia is a prolific writer of original poems, screenplays, novels and nonfiction books. Cecelia has published five, original, screenplays and three, original, poetry books. Twenty-eight of Cecelia’s books are published by iUniverse Publishers. Cecelia is an educator, author, pianist, vocal soloist, artist, photographer and philosopher. Cecelia Frances Page continues to write worthwhile, inspirational books.