Tales of the Mystery Shopper
Taken from the Mis-adventurous Casebook of his Stupefied Apprentice
Book Details
About the Book
'Say it ain't so, Joe?' All manner of nefarious activities are being conducted under the very noses of the authorities, with nary a move made to thwart the evil-doers. Of course, civilian criminal law doesn't enjoy nearly the reach that a prime operative does in the high stakes, cat and mouse, dog eat dog retail jungle of the mystery shopper industry. So when the Mystery Shopper's on the job, no slackers or cheaters are safe. Corruption, crime and just plain slovenliness exist to be rooted out and expunged, making society a better, more habitable place. And only a true expert with the skill set of Joe Lopp, the Mystery Shopper, could successfully and adroitly navigate his way through the tangled webs and twisting mazes which confront him during the course of his remarkable cases. Set down in print for the first time by his trusty sidekick and apprentice, Stan Greene, readers will marvel at the Mystery Shopper's exploits. Or contact their attorneys...
About the Author
Having developed the ability to channel the Mystery Shopper, it seemed only natural for the author to set his eccentric tales to type. Besides, what initial resistance the author did put up was quickly brushed aside by the Mystery Shopper's brusque, exacting manner. Having made his unexpected appearance during a college fiction writing class, the Mystery Shopper managed to charm at least a couple fellow classmates, as well as earning the author an unexpected grade in the class. Born in Louisville, KY and raised in southern Indiana, the author currently resides in Arizona.