Soul Stories of Healing
Reiki Stories to Inspire You
Book Details
About the Book
We all have stories that we share. Whether we’re describing joy or sorrow, loss or learning, our stories reflect the experiences that shape us and make us who we are.
Soul Stories of Healing hopes to inspire you to embrace the power of the collective experience. Have you ever experienced an “aha” moment—one of those times in which everything you thought you knew changed for the better? These are stories that can stop you in your tracks and cause you to realize that a whole new life awaits … all because someone shared a story with the power to shift your energy to a more positive, heartfelt way to move through life.
In Soul Stories of Healing, a nurse and healer shares these experiences that bind us together, allows us to learn from each other, and frees up wonderful positive energy to flow to others. You may even be inspired to reexamine the stories of your past and share them with others. Don’t like the ending of your stories? When you accept the challenge to reinterpret those endings, you can start to see even the darkness in a new light.
About the Author
Amy L. Govoni, MSN, RN, RMT, has been a healer for 39 years, working as a registered nurse in hospitals and community settings. She teaches at Cleveland State University School of Nursing and practices Reiki at HeartLight Center for Living Well. Her research focuses on Reiki and holistic practices. She currently lives in Ohio.