Watcher Language

Prescriptions for Writing Clear English in America

by Muriel A. Garcia



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 2/19/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781440123252

About the Book

“Between fifty to sixty people attended the party.” “This one is as good or better than that one.” “Employees who service this community are highly trained.” Each of the above sentences contains an error. Do you know how to repair the damage?

Are you interested in writing well? Can you use some help in this endeavor? Do you want to show that you know the fundamentals of good writing? Do you want your reader to be well impressed? Are you a student with a writing assignment? Do you want an “A” grade on your essay? Are you applying for admission to a university? Do you have to write a letter of introduction to a prospective employer? Do you anticipate giving a speech to an educated audience? Do you have to write a long term paper or a Ph.D thesis? If you answered “Yes!” to any of these questions, then you need this book.

About the Author

Muriel A. Garcia has Master’s Degrees in French and in Latin. She taught French, German, English, Creative Writing, English as a Second Language, and Latin over a 26-year period in Ventura, California. Her colleagues nicknamed her “Guardian of Good English.” You may email her at