An Accessible Approach to Obtain Wholeness

The way is open unto all / A full joy

by Elder G. E. Johnson



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 3/20/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781440116636

About the Book

“Elder G. E. Johnson has written a most wonderful book. It is worthy of reading by both laymen and ministers who seek to understand God’s working in today’s society.”
— Missionary Mae Nell Clark, The Church Of God In Christ, Central Georgia

“Undoubtedly the most valuable book I have read to date on renewal and reform in the life of the seeker. In it Elder Johnson tells of the invigorating and wonderful experience of knowing Christ in depth.”
— Pastor Eugene Banks, C.O.G.I.C Dallas, TX

Here you will find this book not only to be a most instructed reading in it’s contents, but also a most constructed view of life.

There are countless of people who search frantically for answers to their problems: how to accept themselves, how to relate to others, how to find true meaning to life and most of all how to know God. I firmly belive by reading this book one should find spiritual healing, derive a new understanding, revise in their thoughts, a change in their behaviour for the better, as they come to a clear understanding of who they are in Christ.

About the Author

Elder George E. Johnson was born in Hattiesburg, Ms. to the Union of Deacon Will Johnson Sr. and Mrs. Queen Ester Johnson, both of who are deceased. Deacon Will Johnson Sr. departed this life in November 7, 1963. Also twelve years later, June 26, 1975 Ms. Queen Ester Johnson departed this life. But the loving memories of them still lingers on. As a loving mother and provider, Mrs. Queen E. Johnson instilled in Elder G. E. Johnson good Christian values and Godly teaching that are reflected throughout his everyday life. Elder G. E. Johnson was saved and baptized at an early age in the Church Of God In Christ under the leadership of the Late District Superintendent E. McDowell in Hattiesburg, Ms. Elder G.E. Johnson completed high school in Gary, Indiana. Then went on to earn a Certificate in Christian Education in the C. H. Mason Bible School. He also earn an Associates Degree in Theology and Pastoral Counseling during that time which was Cedar Grove Christians School in Mobile, Al. Elder G. E. Johnson was called to the ministry in February 1977, and ordained as an Elder in the Church Of God In Christ in August of 1980 under the leadership of the late Bishop Peter J, Henderson of the Northwest Jurisdiction in Milwaukee Wisconsin. He has held many positions on the local, district, and state levels including pasturing for more than fifteen years. Elder G. E. Johnson 6773 Douglasville, Ga. 30154