God Logged Off My IM

It's Time to Return to Faith in the Coptic Church of America

by Emad Georgy



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 3/19/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781440124464

About the Book

There are certain beliefs that are fixed, immutable. These beliefs include our faith around communion, marriage, baptism, etc. Much like the foundation of a house, these beliefs do not change and are the foundations of life. They are what we refer to when we worship, “…from generation to generation and unto the ages of all ages.” This book is not about those beliefs. It is, however, about our ability to adapt to how we serve God’s people. In Mark 3, Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. He did this to show people how much culture has corrupted faith. While the Pharisees fixated on Sabbath rules and complained, Jesus adapted to show people that He loved them first. Much like a wise surgeon, Jesus extracted the cancer of legalism and brought people back to the spirit behind the beliefs, both literally and metaphorically.

While theological and scholarly depths have been reached, we have barely scratched the surface on the way we serve and spread the Gospel in the Coptic faith. This deserves deeper exploration. I hope the journey through this book will enrich your faith and help you seek out the truth. For that is where God lives. He is a God of Truth; He is the way, the truth, and the life; He is the Spirit of Truth.

About the Author

Emad Georgy is an American of Egyptian descent who has a passion for writing. He has written award-winning articles on leadership development and applied Christian faith. Emad also won Honorable Mention in the national Pariah Publishing fictional story contest. He has served the Coptic Church for over 12 years in many facets including as a Sunday School servant and a youth leader. He is a well-known speaker on the clash of Arab cultural beliefs and a return to the Coptic faith. Emad was part of a transformational youth group called RemenKemi that produced both youth events and a successful youth magazine. More recently, he started the St. Mark Lion Group which produced the Lion, a Christian magazine circulated in southern California. In addition, he served as a student of the St. Shenouda Coptic Society. He also started the Facebook group Keep It Real - Coptic, focused on honest conversations about the Coptic faith. Emad has a passion for the creative arts, leadership development, and helping people experience healing in their lives.