All I Need Is A Pen

(Poetic Visions)

by Leonna Brabham



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 11/20/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781440163852

About the Book

“All I Need Is A Pen” is a book of poems written for you to read in your spare time and to have fun reciting them wherever you go. This newly established poet from Brooklyn will make you want to grab a pen of your own and begin to write. Through songs, raps, plays even in stories and movies poetry can be expressed. Starting with an idea, next a vision, then it is written. Leonna reveals her own version of poetry broken into four sections. Something we all can relate to and understand. Her poems are exhilarating and eclectic. You will feel each one as if it were your own way of thinking. As you read on… you will find her flow of words uplifting and genuine. Get ready to laugh, smile, cry, and be shocked with the approach she gives you. This extraordinary collection of poems is for you to enjoy and to also utilize as a reminded to never give up hope. There is definitely a lot of talent stimulating the world everyday. Here’s mine and don’t forget to tell a friend! SUPPORT TALENT! All I Need Is A Pen is guaranteed a book not to bore you. But it will keep you yearning for more and thinking of reality instead of fantasizing all the time. Creativity comes from the mind and heart that is where dreams start. Build on it, you will feel optimistically sharp!

About the Author

Hello! To everyone interested in reading also buying my book. My name is Leonna most people call me Ms. Poetry so feel free to. I am a new established American poet from Brooklyn, New York. I am hoping you love poetry as much as I do. Now, if Poetry is also your passion this book is definitely right for you because it is pure art and created beautifully. I am a great writing, my poems are real; the words speak to you right from the paper. I have my own technique of writing and I use several different approaches. There are four sections in this book that you can search through which is; A Meaningful Approach, Spiritually Enlightened, As I See It and the last section is dedicated to my family and friends. There is no rule that you have to start from page one so pick a title and just read on, there are a variety of titles and you may feel one directed to you. This is why my book has been rated so wonderful by viewers of the manuscript! It will be lots of fun reading these poems and sharing them with the people all around you. This incredible book of poems is for anyone who loves to read different things that are full of feelings, emotions and amusement. I am a Journalism major at Kingsborough Community College. My heart is full of love and support. I am here to hear your opinions and if you need some guidance in any sort of way I will be happy to assist you with my knowledge. My goal is to reach out to the public and introduce to them my talent and to also show how proficient I can be with a pen. I am also opened to those who are looking for poets and reciters. I love to learn and seek new things. I am also hoping that this book takes me to places i have already imagined. Please do not hesitate to get this book I guaranteed you that this book is not difficult to understand, it will not bore you, it will only leave you anxious for more. Don't forget to tell a friend! Thank You Kindly for your interest Truly,With LOVE! Ms. Leonna Brabham