Invisible Money
And How It Affects You
Book Details
About the Book
The three professions that are the basic foundations of the country--education, health care and law--have become market driven and bloated with excessive spending. Tens of billions of dollars could be saved annually and applied to other important government programs if education, health care and law were restructured to meet society's needs in the 21st century rather than the needs of profiteers.
Higher education is the next housing crisis. Tens of thousands of students are unnecessarily borrowing money to attend on campus classes that will place them in lifelong debt. A world class education in fact can be had on the cheap.
In the old days many people lived long lives, often 80 plus years, under the most primitive and unhealthy conditions. We should be able to do the same thing today an thus reduce the cost of health care that amounts to $2.7 trillion a year business.
Very few people can afford an attorney. The chapter "A Rule That Is Ruining the Legal Profession" discusses how the unnecessary high cost of legal education is denying millions of Americans the justice they deserve.
About the Author
I've covered public policy issues as a journalist for 40 years, including education, law and layman's medical issues. I earned a bachelor's degree from Arizona State University, a master's degree from the University of Iowa and took special courses from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, a NEH Fellow at the Edward R. Murrow Center, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tuffs University, Modern British History and Politics, Oxford University; correspondence in Law, University of London; and graduate courses in Adult and Higher Education, ASU. I also represented myself as a plaintiff for 18 months in U.S. District Court. I investigated the bar rule exam for 32 years and wrote two articles on it plus mentioned it my novel "The Return of John Marshall. The chapter on Alternative Education results from my long interest in higher education. I taught three years part-time at Temple University and spent a large amount of time dealing with college issues. I became interested in modern medicine because of the high cost. When my wife had a hear attack the one-half block ride in an ambulance cost $650, more than two round trip tickets from Phoenix to New York City at the time with about $200 left over. The costs are just tremendous, almost as much as the fraud. I live in Phoenix and I'm writing books after having spent 36 years in newspapers.