Ridgeway Middle School Anthology
Book Details
About the Book
Ridgeway Middle School Anthology: Changes is a collection of students' writings completed during the 2009-2010 school year at Ridgeway Middle School, Memphis, Tennessee. Students were given the opportunity to submit poems and personal essays for publication. The book title and many of the writings were inspired by the election of Barack Obama. The editor, Mrs. Hall, working with several classroom teachers, selected the best of these and sent them for publication.
About the Author
Sharon Jeanette Hall, Editor, M.S. Ed., Library Science and English is the Library Media Specialist at Ridgeway Middle School, Memphis, Tennessee. She has worked in Education for 20 years teaching reading, creative writing, English, and Spanish. She was also employed at the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Accelerated Schools. She has compiled and edited five anthologies of student work for publication. Sharon Hall is an alumni of Memphis City Schools attending grades one through twelve. She credits the influence of her teachers as her reason for becoming an educator. Mrs. Hall also manages a horse ranch, Mandalay Place Arabians that specializes in black Egyptian Arabian horses and miniature Arabian horses. They also operate a horse rescue for Arabian horses. She lives with her husband Dr. Wesley E Hall in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Dr. Hall is a writer of autobiographical fiction and has published 18 books.