Aliens in America

Book One: The Kingdom of Cilicia

by Shake Kasparian



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/20/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781475955026
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9781475955033

About the Book

For most of her life, Nora has had a feeling she is being followed by something evil. While vacationing in Armenia with her mother, Nora feels a presence again while on a guided hike toward a mountain lake.

As the group stumbles upon two buildings with ancient carvings, Nora’s curiosity is heightened—particularly when she enters the building and feels she has been there before. But then strange events begin to occur: she sees mysterious balls of lights emerging from stones, a priest warns her that the end is near, and she and her mother eat in a diner that disappears into thin air as soon as they depart. She knows she has stumbled onto something much bigger than herself. There is only one person who can help Nora uncover the mystery on top of the mountain and behind the necklace that hangs around her neck. Together, Nora and Professor Zaven Korbian embark on a dangerous journey to search for Nora’s identity where they forced to accept the possibility that aliens may be covertly living amid the humans.

In this exciting science fiction tale, a professor and a young girl determined to never stop looking for answers are about to discover they hold the secret to unlocking the future.

About the Author

Shake’ Kasparian earned a bachelor of science degree in computer science and electrical engineering from Hofstra University in Long Island, New York. An avid horsewoman and polo player, Shake’ alsoreads and writes in several languages. She currently lives in New York.