Adventures of Abby Diamond
Abby Diamond in Teenage Wizard and Secrets in the Attic
Book Details
About the Book
Abby Diamond is an eleven year old girl who loves to solve the mysteries that surround her and her three best friends: Neils, Andrea and Alison.
Being blind does not stop this girl detective from solving the mysterious cases that happen in her home and at school.
Abby is smart, self reliant and ready to take on any problems that come her way along with her friends aka The Four Musketeers.
Neils- An adorable redhead who is Abby’s best friend and a tomboy by heart. If anyone loves a mystery better than Abby it is Neils.
Andrea- A tall striking dark-skinned young girl who has both beauty and brains. Andrea is the leader of The Four Musketeers who never fails to have a successful ending.
Alison- A quiet innocent girl who is the daughter of a famous movie star, Kaitlyn Summers. Although Alison has experienced the lifestyle of the rich and famous, she much prefers to live with her adopted dad, Audie who manages the school cafeteria.
Jaxson- A chubby outcast with poor grammar but who becomes lovable and a dear friend to Abby and her friends.
Glen- Jaxson's sidekick. Glen does not have a mind of his own, so he depends on Jaxson to be his voice. He is also known as "the parrot".
Join Abby, Neils, Andrea, Alison, Jaxson and Glen when the group attends middle school and meets up with bullies and a teenage wizard.
Children will learn about the mysteries of the Titanic and World War Two when Abby and her friends find a diary written in Braille.
Who does the diary belong to and what secrets do the girls vow to keep for the rest of their lives?
About the Author
Kristie Smith-Armand has been an educator for twenty-seven years. The last nine years have been spent teaching children who have a visual impairment. She has taught Kindergarten, English as a Second Language, children who have a visual impairment as well as grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8. While she loves teaching all children, her favorite has been working with children and their families who have a visual impairment. Kristie has an associate’s, bachelors and masters degree in education with certifications in Kindergarten, Health/PE, grades 1-8 and teaching students with a visual impairment. She has received such teaching honors as Teacher of the Year 1996, Apple Corp Teacher 2005 in Mesquite ISD, twice nominated for Who’s Who Among Special Educators 1999 and 2006 and Community Spotlight in Mesquite, Texas 2005. For the past seven years, Kristie has written several books that teach others about children who have a visual impairment and has appeared on Suzanne Leurance’s Blog Talk Radio (September 2008) and North Texas Radio for the Blind (April 24, 2009) to discuss her books on visual impairment. She loves to do presentations that help others to know how to work with children who have a visual impairment. Kristie is a new member of The Society of Children Book Authors and was named Author of the Month by Sylvia McGrath's Professor Owl's Newsletter, 2008. Please visit Kristie on her website at