From Sea to Shining Sea

A Ride across America

by Alan L. Williams, MD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/23/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781450245579
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781450245586

About the Book

Little did a young Alan Williams know when he received his first bike—a fat-tire, red and white Columbia with only a single gear—that he would one day ride a bicycle across the northern United States. In his narrative, Williams chronicles his two-month cycling trip from Oregon to New Hampshire, where he would celebrate the fulfillment a lifelong dream by dipping his bicycle wheels in the Atlantic Ocean.

Williams shares the emotions and moments that led up to his decision to ride across the country and chronicles his subsequent 3,700-mile journey that included laboring up switchbacks on mountain roads, speeding down from mountain passes, bucking headwinds across a seemingly endless prairie, fearing that a tender derrière might derail the mission, and experiencing the elation of reaching the Atlantic coast. While sharing descriptions of places of interest, photographs, and training tips, Williams also offers a glimpse into the physical and mental effort required to complete such a journey.

For anyone considering undertaking a bicycle expedition of any length, From Sea to Shining Sea provides guidance, advice, and inspiration from a man who sacrificed and persevered in order to achieve a successful cross-country bike ride he will never forget.

About the Author

ALAN L. WILLIAMS, MD, is a physician and former naval officer who has been an avid bicyclist for more than thirty years and has participated in numerous longdistance cycling events, including “centuries” and cross-state rides. He now lives in northwestern Washington State with his wife and their golden retriever.