Osama bin Laden has been working diligently ever since 1992 on his “American Hiroshima” plan to destroy seven to ten American cities with nuclear devices. He first began seeking enriched uranium in 1992, and there is considerable evidence that he has finally finished preparations for his life work, his “Grand Finale,” his “American Hiroshima,” and is now just waiting for the right moment to pull the trigger and devastate multiple American cities in an attack that will make the destruction of 9/11 seem insignificant by comparison. In September, 2008, ABC News reported that our Intelligence agencies had intercepted a message from al Qaeda High Command to local al Qaeda cells around the world saying, “Be on notice, we may call upon you soon.” Then, a few months later, five days after the American Presidential election, on Nov. 9, 2008 al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, an Arabic newspaper, published on the front page that Osama bin Laden has now given the order for and set in motion a new, huge attack on America that will be “far bigger than 9/11” and that will “change the economic and political structure of the world” and will take place “in the near future.” Al-Quds Al-Arabi is the same newspaper that three weeks before 9/11 published a statement from Osama saying he was “going to attack America in an unprecedented way.” Three weeks later, he did 9/11. Now the same newspaper is saying that Osama has ordered a new, huge attack on America!
Let us look at the progression of Osama's plan. In 1996 he issues his "Declaration of War Against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places.” Later, he obtains a fatwa, or religious order, from an Islamic cleric saying it is permissible to kill 4 million Americans, and 2 million of those need to be children for the sake of parity (Osama says since Americans are directly or indirectly responsible for 2 million Muslim children dying, 2 million American children must die). Then, as Christiane Amanpour reports in her CNN TV Special "In the Footsteps of bin Laden,” in 2003 Osama obtains his "nuclear fatwa" from Saudi cleric Nasir Bin Hamid Al-Fahd, granting al Qaeda permission to kill 10 million Americans with nuclear weapons! And now the number of American children that must be killed for the sake of parity has been upgraded by Osama to 3 million!
Has Osama obtained functional nuclear weapons? I interviewed Hamid Mir, the noted Pakistani journalist who has interviewed Condoleeza Rice, Tony Blair, and former Pakistani President Musharraf. Hamid Mir is the most well-known of all the journalists in Pakistan, and is anchor of GEO TV News, the most popular TV news station in Pakistan. Hamid Mir came to America to speak at a counter-terrorism convention, and I was able to interview him in person. Hamid Mir has interviewed Osama bin Laden three times, and he is the only person who interviewed Osama after 9/11 (in November of 2001, just before Osama fled Afghanistan through Tora Bora). Hamid told me, and he has told this to others as well, including Glenn Beck, that Osama told him, and Ayman al-Zawahiri told him also (Ayman al-Zawahiri is al Qaeda's second-in-command), that they had acquired suitcase nuclear bombs on the black market that had been stolen from the former Soviet Union. As Ayman al-Zawahiri told Hamid Mir, "If you go to BBC reports, you will find that thirty nuclear weapons are missing from Russia's nuclear arsenal. We have links with Russia's underworld channels.” He went on to say, "If you have $30 million, go to the black market in central Asia, contact any disgruntled Soviet scientist, and a lot of...smart briefcase bombs are available. They have contacted us, we sent our people to Moscow, to Tashkent, to other central Asian states and they negotiated, and we purchased some nuclear bombs."
Stewart Stogel, who has worked for Time Magazine and other noted publications, has extensively interviewed Hans Blix, the former Director General of the IAEA, the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency. In 2004, Stogel reported in NewsMax that Hans Blix was asked by the IAEA to investigate reports that Osama bin Laden had acquired 20 suitcase nuclear bombs that were stolen from the former Soviet Union. Hans Blix interviewed the Russian officials who reported the theft of the bombs, and he interviewed the Chechen Muslim rebels who had stolen the bombs and sold them to Osama, and Hans Blix concluded that Osama bin Laden had indeed acquired 20 suitcase nuclear bombs, and he made a report of this to his colleagues at the IAEA.
Yossef Bodansky, who was the Director of the U.S. Congress’s Task Force on Terrorism for 16 years, writes in his book Chechen Jihad about the Chechen Muslim rebels who stole the suitcase nukes from the former Soviet Union and sold them to Osama. I personally asked Yossef, “Is it true what Hamid Mir is saying, that Osama has acquired suitcase nukes that were stolen from the former Soviet Union?” and he replied, “Yes it is true, and it is in my book also.” In Chechen Jihad Yossef goes on to say that Osama also hired former Soviet SPESNAZ special forces soldiers whose job it had been in the former Soviet Union to maintain and service the suitcase nukes for the KGB, to maintain them for Osama (the suitcase nukes need maintenance about every 6 months), and they were able to “hotwire” the nukes so they could be detonated by a terrorist and bypass the activation code from Moscow.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Osama’s master-planner for 9/11, when he was captured told the Pakistani Intelligence and the CIA (and it was on his laptop computer as well, so we know this wasn’t just waterboarded out of him) that Osama bin Laden is planning a “nuclear hellstorm” for America, and he is targeting seven main cities, with three additional cities he may include. The targeted cities he mentioned were New York, Washington, Boston, Miami, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago, and the Valdez, Alaska, the biggest oil terminal in America. The first seven cities are named as the main target cities, and the last three are named as possible additions. For the rest of this book, we will refer to "the ten cities" Osama has targeted, because there is a good chance he will hit all ten, and not just seven; in fact, since it has been six years since Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured and named the target cities, it may be that Osama and Iran have added even more cities to the target list. It should be noted also, as we will explain later in this book, Osama also plans to detonate nuclear bombs in London, Paris, Rome, and possibly also Copenhagen and other European cities at the same time he does the American Hiroshima--remember that an Iranian leader said Iran has already picked out 37 sites to attack in America and elsewhere "in the West,” meaning European countries who are allied with America.