The American Hiroshima: Osama’s Plan for a Nuclear Attack, And One Man’s Attempt to Warn America

by Dr. Hugh Cort



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 11/30/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7.5x9.25
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781440186479

About the Book

Are you ready for the next 9/11? Help stop Osama bin Laden’s plan for a devastating nuclear attack on multiple American cities in the very near future.

Two thirds of Americans believe Osama bin Laden will strike America again, and this time it will be nuclear. Guess what? They are right!

Find out how Iran is aiding and abetting Osama’s nuclear plan.

Learn how you can help stop Osama’s horrible attack, or, if we can’t stop it, at least learn how to prevent deadly radiation sickness. See to learn more.

The American Hiroshima: Osama’s Plan for a Nuclear Attack, and One Man’s Attempt to Warn America is the most important book on the imminent terrorist threat facing America. To save your nation, and protect your family, you must read this book today!

About the Author

Dr. Hugh Cort is the President of the American Foundation for Counter-Terrorism Policy and Research, a 501(c)(3) non-profit counter-terrorism think tank. General Tom McInerney, CNN and Fox News military analyst, is an honorary board member. Dr. Paul Williams, noted author of five books on Osama bin Laden, including Osama's Revenge:The Next 9/11 ,and his latest book, The Day of Islam:The Annihilation of America and the Western World, is a board member and Vice President of the Foundation. The website for the Foundation is

Dr. Cort has been researching counter-terrorism issues ever since 9/11, and is the author of a book on 9/11. He has interviewed in person Hamid Mir, the top Pakistani journalist who interviews Condoleeza Rice and Tony Blair, and who has interviewed Osama bin Laden three times, and who is the only person who has interviewed Osama bin Laden after 9/11. Dr. Cort has also spoken with Yossef Bodansky, who was the Director of Congress' Task Force on Terrorism for sixteen years, and author of Chechen Jihad, about the Chechen Muslim rebels who stole twenty suitcase nuclear bombs from the former Soviet Union and sold them to Osama bin Laden.

Dr. Cort, a psychiatrist practicing in Alabama, was horrified by 9/11, as we all were, and has dedicated himself to try to stop the next 9/11, Osama bin Laden's American Hiroshima plan to blow up ten American cities with nuclear weapons, by bringing this looming threat to the attention of the American people before it is too late. He ran for President in the Republican Primary of 2008 in an attempt to get more media attention to the terrible devastation that Osama bin Laden, aided by Iran, may soon bring upon America.