Maria's Story
Mommy started pacing through the house. She started gathering our things and putting them in pillowcases. She just cried and moaned and started doing things. I just sat in the room with Daddy and stared at the sheet. I don’t know if you ever have seen somebody you loved die before, but it is kind of important that when you do, you notice what happens to your own body. As I sat there, I remembered Daddy and me milking a cow, running and chasing in the garden. I heard him laugh and tease me. I closed my eyes and could feel him pick me up and could feel the strength and love come through his hands. There was a really strange feeling in my chest. It was like my heart wasn’t there anymore. I couldn’t hear it beating and I couldn’t even feel my own skin. It was like I was dead, too. My head could not think anything. My body only could feel what it was like to feel nothing. I was not really there. I wanted to go home and take Daddy with me. It seemed like if we could just take him home to the farm, that he would be O.K. But my body was frozen and I couldn’t talk. I just sat there. Mommy was frantically trying to get all of our stuff together. And I just felt colder.
Directions for Releasing Shock (Blocks to Love)
When you say the mantra, look into a mirror and stare into your left eye. Your left eye is the avenue to your soul. You may notice a slight change in your pupil each time you say a sentence. Look at the first line of the mantra. Then, say it while staring into your left eye. Continue the process one line at a time.
Do this exercise at least once per day for twenty-one days in a row. Make or print a calendar to keep up with the number of days. If you miss a day, just continue and be sure you do twenty-one days.
You will have a subtle but noticeable change daily---particularly toward the end of the twenty-one days.
Regardless of how subtle, be sure to notice the changes in your behavior and feelings on a daily basis during this exercise.
__________, I give you permission to recognize when your body feels numb from shock.
(Your Name)
__________, when you feel numb, you are ready, willing, and able to bring forth all the
(Your Name) memories that love and support you.
__________, you deserve to visualize and feel the actions that will nurture and love you.
(Your Name)
__________, your body, your mind, and your spirit are safe to be present in every loving
(Your Name) moment today and everyday in the future.
__________, you have permission to create your own loving family wherever you are.
(Your Name)
__________, you deserve to invite people in your life who truly know and love you.
(Your Name)
__________, you do remember what it feels like to be present, feel safe, and loved.
(Your Name)
__________, because you know what is sacred, you will respect what is sacred for others.
(Your Name) no matter how different they may seem.
__________, you now have permission to exchange all of your secrets for enjoyable
(Your Name) surprises and fun in your life.
___________, you are ready to come out of shock, now.
(Your Name)
I am ready to come out of shock, now. I deserve to come out of shock, now. I am here, now.
Maria’s New World Reality:
In my New World Love Story, there are resource centers where people with different languages can go to find out what to do to be safe. These centers will be called, Intentional Success Centers. The participants are guided to houses and jobs that are run by people who have the divine potential to help others who might be lost or far away from their true homes. At the IS centers, we can make friends. I will find other children to play with all the time. And the people who are taking care of us while our parents work, speak our language, too! They teach us about the new place and how the children in different places live and believe. Then they bring children with different languages to visit us and share with us their toys and favorite books and stories about their brothers, sisters, and grandparents. I can get information on just about anything I want to know.