Emperor's World

by James William "Bill" Gibson



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 10/20/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781440175589

About the Book

“Emperor’s World” is the story a stallion and a herd of mares that he rustled from ranches in Colorado. He leads his herd up into the rugged mountain valleys of western Colorado. The herd affects many people who come into contact with the horses. An old Indian eventually affects all the peoples’ lives even more profoundly than the horses.

Three young couples, and their parents’ lives, are followed as the youngsters mature from teenagers to adulthood all affected by the horses in the hills. There are light and happy moments during their carefree years as well as more serious consequences. One girl miraculously recovers from a near death accident. Th e Angel that brought the miracle had also had contact with the herd.

A kidnapping and a murder are also caused by the herd of horses’ presence. This crime leads to an investigation that has several unexpected turns. A dangerous high speed pursuit leads to the end of the criminal acts and a tragedy for two families.

"Emperor’s World” has two parallel paths. One tells about the horses and their lives up in the mountains. The second path is about all the people involved. The story mergers the two paths into one.

“Emperor’s World” is an entertaining and easy read. Th e story orchestrates all the human emotions; love, hate, greed, happiness, with large choruses of humor, smiles, and tears.

About the Author

Bill Gibson retired from an Aerospace Engineering Firm in 1993 after a thirty-six year involvement in various space and aircraft development programs. He now fills his days with photography, sports, and writing in Sarasota, Florida. He has written four fiction novels. All published by iUniverse. “Sun Lake”, ISBN 978-0-595-47114-8, in October 2007. “Tug McGinn”, ISBN 978-0-595-47741-8, in December 2007. “Mind Shadows”, ISBN 978-0-595-5257-1, in July 2008. “Pippin Falls’ Ghost”, ISBN 978-1-4401-2119-7, in Feb 2009.