Changing the Guard

Taking Back America

by Dan Hardy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/29/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781440197581

About the Book

Changing The Guard is a fictional story about a modern day coup d etat of our present political leadership. Citizens being tired of over taxation and our leaders lining their pockets with money, while ignoring the wishes of the population that voted for them, had reached the point where it was time to get rid of them. Although the characters are fiction, many things came from our present day situations. Inspired by present day citizens of America and their frustration of actions by our elected officials, this is the time for this story.

About the Author

Award winning author Dan Hardy decided to write Changing The Guard because of the lack of confidence that the American people have in our government. As he traveled to different places, the opinion of the population was of anger and mistrust in our elected officials. Members of the past and present presidential administrations and our Congress, snub the citizens of America and are willfully going against what our Constitution stands for, to persue their own political agendas, and have their pockets lined with illegal contributions. Washington D.C. has turned into a place of political corruption and our elected officials have turned into crooks. Going with the actual day to day news, this book was easy to write. Who would ever imagine that America would have a coup d' etat that would remove every federally elected official. Changiing of the Guard is a fictional story. But if the attitude of the American people does not change soon, this work of fiction could possibly turn into fact. Dan Hardy moved to Florida in 1998 where he started writing his first book The Complete Pool Manual, which he has received four awards for. His other published works are The Complete Spa Manual and Running From My Shadow. His newest work will be his most contraversal called The American Terrorist, Lobbyist and Special Interest Groups. He and his wife enjoy the nice weather in Florida with their grandkids and selling real estate.