Inheriting Weight

New Work, 2004-2008

by David A. Kates



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/1/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781450269469
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781450269452

About the Book

In this second collection of poems paying homage to his mother, David Kates confronts the paradox of his inheritance. Inheriting Weight deepens and widens the exploration of life and love, this time tracing concentric circles around the spirit of loss. … A brilliant collection of work.
—Martha Fuller, Instructor, Otis College of Art + Design, UC Irvine Extension, Bowers Museum, and Skirball Cultural Center

Breathlessly honest, sad, and perceptive all at the same time.
—Victoria Chang, author of Circle (winner of the Crab Orchard Series in Poetry Open Competition Award) and Salvinia Molesta: Poems

Inheriting Weight continues the true story of David A. Kates, who, after losing his beloved mother to cancer, picks up life’s pieces and starts fresh. David is inspired by all that he has inherited--physical, emotional, and spiritual gifts. The poems are distinctly influenced by images of nature, multi-genre music, global travel, and relationships with friends and family. It is a memoir of fervent renewal after tremendous loss.

About the Author

David A. Kates is a high school librarian in Los Angeles. He holds master’s degrees in library and information science and journalism. His first memoir in poetry is titled, Completing the Circle: A Son’s Memoir. David lives in Pacific Palisades, California, where he enjoys hiking, concert-going, playing tennis, and, of course, writing.