Kinfolks Knives

A History of Cutlery and Cousins

by Dean Elliott Case



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 9/7/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781450240888
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781450240901

About the Book

Kinfolks Knives offers an accurate and factual history of Kinfolks Cutlery. Included are four vintage catalogs to aid collectors in the identification and dating of Kinfolks knives, as well as biographies of Kinfolks founders: Russ Case, Tint Champlin, and Dean Case. Also, for the first time, the personal memories of multiple branches of this American cutlery dynasty are included, as well as a foreword by Brad Lockwood. Providing rare insight into Kinfolks and the families involved in its creation and development, Kinfolks Knives is intended to be the most accurate history of the cutlery compiled to date. A timeline of the family and related cutleries is included for quick reference, as well as answers to the most common questions about the company from The mystery of the Jean Case Cutlery Company is at last explained, and many family photographs and recipes are included. We are all connected through Job Case, all kin, and this book may be the history of only one of thirty-two different cutleries our family has started over our 140+ year history in the industry, but it is much more. After decades of feuding and parting ways to start yet another Case-related cutlery, Kinfolks saw three cousins come together to help one another.

About the Author

Dean E. Case grew up in Little Valley, New York, at Kinfolks Cutlery. The author is a retired schoolteacher and considers himself lucky to have taught youth the fun stuff—auto shop and drivers’ education. He and his wife, Miss Betty, are blessed with two sons and six grandchildren.