“When that person of the restaurant, Jackson, when he was leaving, aunty offered him her heartfelt thanks. Can you comment on this. Is there any feeling in the heart?”
“There is .But it is an erroneous view inadvertently express by each and every one .Feeling does not go to the heart directly, impulses generate in the mind ensconced in the brain.
According to the situation, rhythm of the heart changes and the whole body will feel it on the impact of the thrust. Let me explain it more clearly. Heart is only a pumping station.
Feelings won’t generate directly in this pumping station. Say, if someone get a suicidal thought, worsening depression, hostility, anxiety, feeling of sadness, and panic, physical hurt, exhaustation, apathy, fear shock in all these situations information first goes to the mind. Mind sends the signal to the heart or elsewhere in the body. If it goes to the heart, rhythm will vary, pulsation may become fast according to the situation. Some get even heart attack. So in all these situations behavioral pattern of the heart will change to low or high degree. But that does not mean any feeling has generated in the heart, with the information, feelings directly go to the mind.”
“That means if someone says my heart is full of joy or my heart felt very sad. It is not logic.”
“It is a fallacy! But, of course, it has an insignificant impact whenever it receives messages from the brain. You see! Mind is the nuclear of life. Mind is situated in the brain. The brain is the most crucial factory of the human machine.
In the brain there are over hundred billion nerve cells. These nerve cells shaped like spiders, with the main cell-body and many tiny legs.
.They are called dendrites, act like miniature telephone lines, allowing cells to communicate with each other. Perhaps in future telephone lines will become redundant, but these nerve cells in the brain remain as God created.
These cells are called Neurons, when information travels it must pass in between dendrites of the cells and the information is carried by the brain-manufactured chemicals called
neurotransmitters. These transmitters send the message to the heart and to the blood circulation. Then feelings in various forms emerge.If the impact is shocking then the heart beat will very. If the occurrence is a sudden fear, you will get proliferation, hair on the skin of the body will erect. It is these neurotransmitters enable human beings to solve any intricate problem that they will confront with. If you further elaborate these billions of neurons work together to manipulate knowledge and simulate novel ideas as well as emotions. Emotions increase heart beat and perspiration that accompany fear, anger, happiness or sadness.
Dr.Harvey,in one of his books on health describes the function of the brain very explicitly .He says,all body processes and functions are under the overall control of the brain .Everything that concern the interactions of cells ,tissues and organs are under its control .The brain is the supreme judge of the body’s best welfare
Mind is in the brain and not in anywhere else. I can remember one of my lecturers, once said
On earth there is nothing great but man,
In man there is nothing great but MIND.
The pace of modern life is too hectic. It sets the mind reeling and rippling.
Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have discovered a mechanism where brain uses to filter distracting thoughts to focus on a single bit of information. Information is carried on top of Gamma waves, like songs or any other information carried by radio waves. Scientists are still making unending research and they will I am sure divulge some descriptions even less educated people would be understood.
I wish to reminiscent one glaring instance when Dr.Christian Barnard performed the very first heart transplant surgery. Most of the people all over the world got amazed and uttered that it should not have been done, because all the feelings that hitherto gathered in that heart must have completely vanished and new heart means he is a new person! It did not take even a year to realize that notion is completely false. To explain this comprehensively time is not sufficient.”
“Yes Sarani time is running but we must deal something on meditation According to your empirical experience, what is meditation?” Kathy asked.
” It is nothing but mind control.
If the mind could be controlled into a profound degree, the mental energy could be concentrated and harness a great power. In Buddhism it has been well analyzed and well tabulated.
Religious leaders and saints and rishies have harnessed their minds to very high degree and have performed miracles.Appeared in two places at the same time.
Just like television .A performance at the studios of BBC in London, you can watch in your TV receiver at Brampton at the same moment.
Documented history in Sri Lanka says the Buddha had appeared in the island in three occasions. If there is any truth in it, I am not quite optimistic, may be he adopted the same principle via deep meditation, or those who created the events were well aware the availability of such possibility.
In ancient time people lived in a silent world. It was not noisy as today. Today the ether is full of electro-magnetic waves passing all the time world-wide.
How many thousands sound waves are passing by your own ears although you won’t hear them. Sound pollution is unimaginable. As such meditation of such high caliber is impossible.
Two, three thousands years back sages and Vedic Seers in India composed massive classics such as Mahabharata, Ramayana, Puranas etc. Prescriptions for thousands of diseases were compiled. Astrological forecasts were made on their own theories on astrology.Literature on plant life, analysis on living species, were produced without attending to universities.
Philosophers of very high mental powers were born and they accomplished their principles and theories through meditation. Moses created his great literary feat-Torah. This marvelous atmosphere has greatly benefited to their activities, with the unforeseen force. Of course, individual fate is paramount in every instance.
I wish to quote an example from Indian history where a renowned musician by the name Tansen, performed a certain miracle. (However I am reluctant to use the term miracle because it has no sense in the modern world.) For every cause there is a reason. Magic performance is a magic to the viewer but not to the performer. So is a miracle. If you give a glass of water and impress it is milk under hypnotic position, he believes it, moreover, he will get the effect of it.
In a certain areas of the Indian sub-continent there was a severe drought .People and animals were dying, crops and plants were devastating and this musician via meditation composed a musical raga,(melody) known as Megha Malhar and kept on singing. It was a great wonder, clouds were accumulated in the sky and when he reached the high octave, rain began pouring with thunder and lightning. It was like a prayer to the rain god. There it was primarily the mental concentration and the efficacy of the vibrant sound waves that had been composed to a Raga. Meditation in that remote era was a very effective exercise. It was not a magic or a miracle.”
Another instance; in the central region of Sri Lanka, Kandy in 1696, there had been a severe drought. King,Vimaladharma Suriya had requested Buddhist Monks to perform Pirith in the region and plead rain god to provide rain.They did it for a week,but there was no success.Then he requested Fr.Joseph Vaz,Who came from Goa,and engaged in missionary work,to pray to the god for rain.He built an altar and a cross at a central place and conducts prayers,before the seventh day, rain was pouring from the sky.The King was so pleased and issued permission for him to do the propagation of his religion anywhere in the Island.