Rush Limbaugh, “I hope he Fails,” Bailed out America.

by Ndyfreke Nenty



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/30/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781450277853
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781450277860

About the Book

RUSH LIMBAUGH, “I HOPE HE FAILS,” BAILED OUT AMERICA, is Rush’s industry. Rush Limbaugh’s fingerprints are all over the book. The bulk of the book contains brilliant perspectives from Rush Limbaugh on the twenty-one months of the Obama presidency, the destructive liberalism ideology and the bitter truth about racism and many more issues that we faced. The book also covers the 2008 general election, the scheduled 2010 midterm elections and the effectiveness of the four words “I hope he fails.” About Barack Obama, Rush said “Radicalism comes dressed in many ways. This time it’s dressed up as Barack Obama.” About the future of America, Rush said “And with nothing to stop him {Obama}, there’s nothing to stop him. And as there’s nothing to stop him he’s going to continue to try to get away with as much as he can, and at some point people are gonna go, “Wait a minute, I didn’t think I was going to have to go to DMV to withdraw money from my bank.” Rush Limbaugh’s comment “I hope he fails” turned water into wine. It significantly transformed the Republican Party from a stale, near extinct Party that lost the presidency and both houses of Congress to a Party brimming with confidence and with concrete signs of winning back both houses of Congress from the Democratic Party within 24 months of electing a Democrat as the first African American United States president. The impact of Rush’s words also rendered some of Obama’s radical agendas dead in the water. It remains to be seen if Obama and the Democratic Party will reverse the wine back to water. Rush has harsh messages for those Republican lawmakers who would rather compromise their core values than be subjected to withering and vile criticism by their opponent. After twenty-one months of a torrid reign as president, are Obama’s salad days as president over? Has Obama finally turned the corner? It all remains to be seen. Rush Limbaugh’s criticism of President Obama is not for political expedient. It’s for the survival of this great country. We will find out why, after 20 years, Rush continues to be America’s last man standing.

About the Author

Rush Limbaugh, “I hope he Fails,” Bailed out America: is the author’s second book in as many years. The author is a political junkie who majored in Politics and Economic at a certain State University in New York.

The author is also a God fearing English Limbaugh conservative who believes that conservatism is rooted to Christianity. Conservatism is all about the truth and the truth is all about God.

The book is a continuation of the author’s first book. “American Politics 001.” It uses the tenets of God’s word to define the politics of today. A Church built on the Rock of Jesus Christ will last forever. America was built on the rock of conservatism and capitalism. Therefore, any other philosophies, for example liberalism and socialism, are foreign to America and thus detrimental and threatening to this great country.