Seeing and Avoiding Danger in Spiritual Leadership

by Joyce Strong



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/24/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781450208055
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781450208048

About the Book

Like lambs on a ledge, those of us who step into any area of Christian ministry are moving into perilous territory. One moment of carelessness, a brief dropping of our guard, and we can lose our footing.

Out of her broad experience, the author exposes ten dangers that can cast us from the ledge and into the chasm below. With candor, compassion and a thorough grasp of biblical principles, she shows us how we may escape these dangers and fi nd healing when we have been wounded.

(Included are: Warning Signs of Weakness and Questions to Ask before Joining a Ministry)

“Joyce understands spiritual leadership like few people I know...” A pastor in Ohio

“So much depth….a wonderful tool for leadership training…” A pastor in Virginia

“A unique blend of biblical wisdom and transparent, fi rst-hand experience…targets the painful issues…” A pastor in Florida

“Hits home…honest and truthful…reveals the way God wants us to respond in difficult situations…” A lawyer in Virginia

“The chapter on the deadly deception of ‘spiritual adultery’ will surely rescue some from falling…” VP Church Ministries, CMA

About the Author

With over 30 years of teaching and leadership experience in ministry, Joyce Strong conducts leadership seminars and ministers at conferences not only in the U.S., but in Russia, Kenya, India and the United Kingdom. Her passion is to inspire wholeness in lives, relationships and leadership. Joyce and her husband Jim are in leadership in their church where he is also Church Business Administrator.

Joyce is the author of Caught in the Crossfi re; Instruments for His Glory; Leading with Passion and Grace; Journey to Joy; Of Dreams and Kings and Mystical Things; and A Dragon, A Dreamer and the Promise Giver. Lambs on the Ledge has been translated into Russian, Chinese and Portuguese.

Learn more about Joyce’s ministry and books at