To God be the Glory
Book Details
About the Book
To God be the Glory is La Shea's second published book of poetry. The poems represent La Shea's acknowledgement that God is Supreme. He has control over the earth and universe. The Bible states that the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.-- Psalm 24:1 The poems also represent people that have had an impact on La Shea's life either through example, support, or guidance. The examplifying lives of Jesus Christ and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; two men who knew that their lives were on borrowed time and yet were not diswayed from accomplishing their unselfish contribution to mankind. These two great men and some family and friends are personified through La Shea's poems. May the book be a blessing to the reader and that he or she must also say, "To God be the Glory!"
About the Author
La Shea is a Christian woman who has been given a gift of exaltation, to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. To God be the Glory is a book of exalting the Lord as God and His omnipotent power over the earth and universe. It is La Shea's second published book of poetry. It is meant to be a blessing to others in difficult times. La Shea currently resides in Barrington, New Jersey, where she is currently pursuing her Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.