From Instinct to Intelligence to Super Intelligence




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/2/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781450223386
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9781450223393

About the Book

It started with a bang. The big bang! And after eons evolving here on Earth we find ourselves firmly ensconced within the cosmic cradle of space/time -- constrained by the one-way march of time, confined by physical limitations, and not really sure where we came from or where we are going.

Before the big bang there was neither space nor time, at least not as we now know them. Anyway that is what the best scientific minds tell us; fact is, we know nothing about the realm that preceded the big bang. However, with the big bang space opened, time flowed, and the evolution of complexity commenced. Immediately following the onset of the big bang, the process of evolution began its developmental activities by combining tiny particles of matter. Atoms merged with atoms and soon were forming molecules. The zeal of the evolutionary process to reach for increased complexity continued its march until molecules formed cells and in time these inanimate cells crossed the critical threshold to become tiny living entities.

About the Author

With an academic background in physics and clinical psychology, John Dervin, PhD, spent his career in the hi-tech world of California’s Silicon Valley as a technical writer and documentation consultant. Upon retiring to his native Nebraska, he has pursued his love of science and writing, while sprinkling in generous amounts of time for tennis and cycling. He continues to research and write on topics that merge physics and psychology. This is his second book in a trilogy that deals with the impact of the physical and biological sciences on psychology and human intelligence. The first book (From the Big Bang to the Big Brain) scoped the universe of time, space, and mind by tracing seven key pivotal transitions in our evolutionary history.