Circle of Life

Book III of the Joad Cycle

by Gary Levey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/30/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781462045471
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781462045464
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781462045488

About the Book

Circle of Life, the third novel of the Joad Cycle, continues the story of Gil Rose, a reticent, immature teenager foreordained to change mid-twenty-first century America, which is governed by free-market capitalists—the corporate elite, who impose dehumanizing laws that replace morality with profit margins. When government troops destroy Angel Falls, Maine, Gil’s girlfriend, Stacey Grant, narrowly avoids capture. She flees to Canada with former president Mark Rose, but their luck runs out and they are taken prisoner. Stacey manages to escape, though, and finds her way as a fugitive to sanctuary with terrorist Glen “Omar” Smith—who is desperate to find Gil before the government does. Using Virtuoso, he brainwashes Stacey into betraying Gil. After Profit, Gil has split with Bree. He seeks anonymity in the industrial town of Hamilton, the former site of Detroit. There, he learns what life is like in a world where money is paramount. He continually runs afoul of city laws designed to minimize human interrelationships and maximize profit. As HomeSec closes in, Gil meets franchise singer Dyllon Thomas, who helps him and Queenie, a terrorist who sets him free. As Gil escapes, he is double-crossed by the person he loves most. For more on the book and America in the mid to late twenty-first century, visit

About the Author