He So Loved

The Love from God in Poetry

by Terry Lawrence



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/6/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781450222273
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781450222266
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781450222259

About the Book

He So Loved, by Terry Lawrence, is a heartfelt compilation of poems of inspiration and encouragement, and is a sequel to his successful 2009 book, On the Wings of a Dove. The obvious theme of this book stems from John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Within the silence of our minds rests a stillness that serves as a protective barrier against the troubles and worries we face every day. It’s an area deep within our soul where we so oft en retreat to when problems become oppressive. It’s our internal safeguard of solace where escapes can be free of pain and comfort an easing solution to life’s parameters. But these escapes can only be a temporary remedy away from the anxieties of life because without an unfeigned commitment to the Heavenly Father, eluding life’s trials can never bring about the peace and joy we so fervently seek. So oft en through life we tend to believe that we are invincible, that we are strong, or that we are capable of survival of any circumstance. However, in essence, we are vulnerable, we are weak, and we are consumed with defeat without the power of God within our soul and within our heart. His power is strength. It is indestructible. Impregnable. Unchallenged. And absolutely nothing in this world, or the evil spirits that permeate and surround our existence, can ever compete with the power of the Heavenly Father. He provides to us His strength, His wisdom, and His fortitude to combat any adverse situation that may confront us along our path of life on this earth. Our belief and faith in Him are the only things required from us to experience peace and joy on the short road of life on earth, while our reward is to live life in His Kingdom forever and forever, as so simply stated in John 3:16. Expressing himself through his poems, Terry’s joy is derived from the intent of inspiring others, touching their heart, bringing them some inspiration or encouragement in troubling times, or providing a glimpse of the Guiding Light that reflects the power and the glory of the Heavenly Father. In 2008, Terry published his first book, Journey of Life, followed by his second and third books, The Right Path Taken and On the Wings of a Dove in 2009. He is a member of the Academy of American Poets, the Washington Poets Association, the Oregon Poets Association, the Arizona Authors Association, the Poetry Society of America, and the Poetry Society of London.

About the Author

With a minor in journalism, Terry Lawrence trifled with writing that began with a Sports Editor position with his college newspaper and yearbook, combining his love for basketball and writing. His fascination with Las Vegas prompted him to write a book on the techniques of winning at slot machines, which sold 5,000 copies. But it wasn't until 2008, Terry's creative writing skills exploded when he wrote his first book of poetry, Journey of Life, followed by his second and third book in 2009, The Right Path Taken and the successful, On the Wings of a Dove. He believes that his talent is directly from God, and admits that there are many moments when his soul is consumed by the Holy Spirit and his fingers on the keyboard are mere instruments of the Heavenly Father. As much as Terry experiences self-satisfaction from his poetry, by far the greater satisfaction comes from the intent of his poems inspiring others, touching their heart, or helping someone feel the power and glory of the Heavenly Father. Terry moved to Vancouver WA in the beautiful Northwest in 2007, where an angel inspired and transformed his life. Surrounded by majestic pine trees, flowers of every kind, hummingbirds, crickets, and an extraordinary quality of life, Terry's inspirational poems have escalated to a Heavenly plateau where his writings flow within his soul and from the Holy Spirit. He is a member of the Academy of American Poets, Washington Poets Association, Oregon Poets Association, the Poetry Society of London, and the Poetry Society of America.