The Voices Saga by William L Stolley
Book I - The Distant Voices
Galactic Central coordinated communication between planets of
the psychic collective for eons until a powerful spike from a
remote star system drew its attention. Only a select group of
inhabitants from a planet in that system could hear the voices of
Galactic Central. The one human who replied to the voice spent
eight years in an asylum on psychotropics. Discharged, homeless,
drunk, and out of medication, Michael Tyler stumbled along a
railroad track when the voice that drove him mad returned – this
time with a shocking proposition.
The first novel in the series finds the Michael in search of his
brethren, those with the same anomaly, who can help the young
American form a group of like-minded individuals. Will their
common thread be enough to bring this group together?
(******Spoiler Alert for those who have not read Book I****)
Book II - "The Voices Arrive"
This story literally continues from the moment the first novel
ended. Michael Tyler and his newly formed band of merry men
and women must find a place to live. China won't do. They rule
out Russia, too. India? Mexico? All possibilities seem probable...
but wait, Han has a better idea. The debate continues until the
solution seems all too obvious. This novel explores the difficulty
of starting a psychic community and the challenges the group
must overcome to maintain their sanity. Can they work together to
form a cohesive team?
(******Spoiler alert for those who have not read Book II****)
Book III - The Voices Emerge
The village of Rollo has transformed since the invention of the
fusor. Chou's device has made many radical changes possible.
However, the tranquility of this little utopia is shattered on the
second anniversary by an enormous explosion!
All over the planet, new psychics are emerging. The World
Psychic Organization is about to expand in a major way with a
dramatic event that will launch them onto the world stage. Can the
WPO maintain control over this new group of powerful psychics?
Coming Soon: Book IV - The Voices Down Under
Of all the places on the planet, Master Li does not sense psychics
emerging from South America or Australia. However, all of that is
about to change when head of security Zhiwei shows up at
headquarters one snowy morning with a news report from
Australia. The corpse of a sexually molested young woman is
found on a beach near Adelaide with two anomalies: her larynx is
crushed with no exterior marks and her birthplace is listed as
Rollo, Kansas, a place that no longer exists.
Master Li and Han draw only one conclusion: the emergence
of an undetected rogue psychic in the land down under...