Living in America as an Undocumented Immigrant

How I Survived the Ordeal

by M.J.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/29/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781450256858
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781450256841

About the Book

Without proper documentation, living in the United States is a heavy burden, so why do immigrants choose to remain, in the face of scorn and endless risks? And what of the political debates? There are those in America who would have “illegal” immigrants deported without delay, while others argue they should pay a fine and stay. The argument rages on, and headway seems to be slow in coming.

LIVING IN AMERICA AS AN UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT tells the true, first-hand account of M.J., an undocumented alien who lived in the United States for ten years without proper documentation. M.J. has been a careful student of the immigration debate, and his account gives substantial discussion to the issues, key players, and longterm effects immigration reform could have on America and its citizens.

M.J. lived his life in the U.S. in fear of being discovered as an undocumented immigrant, but through this experience he learned much of the human condition and why we view immigrants as we do. His story is one of life and work for an alien in a foreign place, but he does not intend to point the finger. He intends to educate, inform, and enlighten. The immigration debate does rage on, but one man’s mind has always been made up.

About the Author

M.J. received his associate’s degree in computer information systems from J.F. Drake State Technical College in Alabama in 1998. He works for a multi-national IT firm in Huntsville, Alabama, where he lives with his wife and daughter.