A poetic recollection of pain, lost love, apocolyptic visions, and authentic communication with the dead.

by Christine Chaos



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/5/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781450257145
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781450257152

About the Book

Christine Chaos regales many heart wrenching stories through almost lyrical poems. Here lies tales of broken hearts of both the living and the dead. Madame Chaos has come in contact with spirits who have taken their own life, and some who have taken others; soft spoken ghosts and terrorizing ghouls. She has seen and spoken with too many souls to count, but recollects here those that were so memorable; they seem the work of fiction. However, they are as real as the soul that inhabits your own being. Though she does not consider herself psychic, Madame Chaos has had many visions in dreams that in time, became a reality. Many of these dreams of destruction and lost life have already come to pass. But some of these vivid visions are often prophetic of an apocalyptic end to the world as we know it. She fears it will happen in her lifetime. Though words cannot express the terror she has seen, Christine recounts these visions in as much detail as possible. Within these pages, you will be transported through time as you hear stories of lost love and lost lives; the pain of physical abuse and withdrawal from substance abuse; physical pain and spiritual anguish. Travel with Christine to the past and the future to see the lives of those who suffer beyond the grave and find out how faith can pull you through. Cover by: Christine Chaos Illustrations by: Scott J. Baker

About the Author

Christine Chaos is the name chosen by the author to emphasize the chaos of a life full of spiritual encounters; a life she wouldn't trade for anything in the world. Born in 1976, in the U.S; she was raised in a loving, nurturing home. She has been able to see and communicate with spirits since the age of seven and her parents were often able to identify "invisible friends" as those who were no longer with us, through some research. Though she has some collegiate experience, her goal as an author is not to win awards or impress the typical critics. She simply wants her message to reach the common folk, like herself, especially those who have been turned off to faith, because of religion itself. She doesn't attend church regularly, but feels God can be sought and felt anywhere. With the hopes of entertaining and enlightening, Madame Chaos wishes to share her stories with the world. Stories of lost love and lost lives; the pain of physical abuse and withdrawal from substance abuse; physical pain and spiritual anguish; these are all things that she has experienced in her own life. She wants to help heal those who share in this suffering with her words. It is important to know, that all the ghost stories within these pages are true, and in many cases historical facts sought after her encounters, support these gruesome tales.