Christmas Plus. Delightful short Christmas stories and full-length tales of a special Ferris Wheel and a dynamic doll
Treasures to read Now & Later
Book Details
About the Book
A treasure trove of Now & Later stories. This megavolume includes numerous heart-warming Christmas stories to read around the gaily decorated Christmas tree, near a warm yuletide fire, or at a festively decorated holiday table. These stories are sandwiched between two new stories: THE MAGNIFICENT, MARVELOUS, FERRIS WHEEL DAZE and MEMOIRS OF AN ANTIQUE DOLL.
This book is a Keeper - packed from page-to-page with pulsating, poignant, gripping detail. Readers will take it out to re-read it every state fair season, and again during the holidays. A gift for one's self or others; this book is a bonafide NOW & LATER.
About the Author
A former reporter, and author of several titles, Franklin has embarked upon a quest to help other writers achieve success. She sets herself apart as a go-to person for aspiring authors, and teaches a six week college course titled WRITING CHILDREN'S LITERATURE THAT POPS, SIZZLES, AND SELLS; where she takes adult students through the paces of writing children's literature by using classic examples and her own books and experience as models.
Franklin has published several titles recently; including EMMA'S FANTASTIQUE WORD PLAY and its companion book MANNY'S MAGNIFICENT MATH MANIA. She also has other titles through IUNIVERSE - KRUMP, SLIDE, TAP, TURN (The ebullient merriment of dance), LUPITA'S QUINCINERA, WILL I SEE YOU LATER?, and IT'S NOT YOURS, KARA.
She also shares her original poetry in whatever formats available to her; including Poetry and Jazz events, poetry slams, and children's poetry groups.The mother of one son and the youngest of five children, Franklin hails from Austin, Texas. She has obtained credentials from Texas State University; and is attending graduate school at Liberty University.
A sequel to one of the stories is expected to come out in the next several months; it is titled Xtreme Ride Wish.