Smitten by Canada!

Another %!@^! Travel Memoir

by Bob Braithwaite



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781450254946
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781450254953

About the Book

Told with humor and a true traveler’s fascination with new places and adventure, this book provides a country wide glimpse of Canada and its bounty of travel opportunities and experiences. Based on the author's observations and his daughter’s journal transcripts of their journey together, a vibrant and personal description is provided of the uniqueness that is Canada.

The travel partners begin their journey at the eastern-most edge of the North American continent, on the Island of Newfoundland and traverse the entire country in a series of trips devised to most appeal to, and yet still educate, a twelve year old girl. Their travels take them to Viking ruins, historic North American battlegrounds essentially untaught in American history, arctic wildlife areas, museums, mountain scenery, and widely varied cities from major modern metropolises to habitations on the rim of the Arctic Circle.

The reader is also left with the understanding that these lessons are also taught, with love, to Hope by her Dad. The book is a unique travel guide that not only suggests to the reader the places and sites worth seeing, but it also provides a wonderful personal perspective of Canada and its culture, by viewing the trips through the eyes of the young girl, Hope.

About the Author

BOB BRAITHWAITE was born in Ithaca, New York. He is a retired state trial judge and presently a part-time U.S. Magistrate judge, with a passion for travel, sports, family and history. He lives in Cedar City, Utah where he and his wife raised four children, including Hope, who collaborated with him on this, and an earlier book: With Hope Across America: A Father-Daughter Journey.