What We Need To Face In American Education

by Bill Madigan & Gary Kroesch



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/23/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781462003679
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781462003662

About the Book

For the fi rst time in human history, we are living in an age where the youth of our nation know more about society’s cutting-edge tools than the adults charged with passing society’s technical and cultural knowledge on to them. Most of our young people have far more facility with computer and telecommunications technology than our teaching corps – and, generally, that gap only widens as students travel from elementary school all the way to university and beyond.

It’s a brave new – and, often, dangerous – world that today’s youth must learn to navigate. Now, more than ever, they need educators to step up and teach them how to be critical thinkers able to discriminate between the true and the merely seductive, to see beyond the glossy veneer on harmful websites harmful ideas and, sadly, harmful people in both the real and cyber worlds. We need to spend a little less time teaching students how to take standardized tests and a lot more time developing their critical faculties, so they will be able to solve life’s problems, profi t from challenging situations, and understand the increasingly complex world they must ken at an earlier and earlier age.

About the Author

Bill Madigan has a Masters degree in Humanities (M.A.L.A.) from San Diego State University and has been a high school teacher for 23 years. He has also taught college courses on educational theory. As a high school teacher, he has taught English, ESL and AVID. He also has taught all grade levels from ninth through twelfth grade as well as varied student populations from the emotionally disturbed and at-risk students to Advanced Placement and honors.

He has been a staff developer both privately and with the AVID organization for over 16 years, training teachers across the United States. His training focus has been best practices for English Learners as well as “brain based” learning. Mr. Madigan aims to balance curricular strategies and activities with the emotional-relational and cultural aspects of learning and teaching.

He is currently and A.P English teacher, and he is also the staff Mentor teacher at Steele Canyon Charter High School near San Diego California. He continues to give lectures and train teachers across the U.S. Bill can be contacted at billmadigan@cox.net and whatweneedtoface.com

Gary Kroesch is a teacher college instructor and staff developer. Gary is a teacher at Rancho Bernardo High School and San Diego State University in southern California. In addition to teaching, Gary has presented at over 100 national conferences and earned numerous awards for his accomplishments.

He is co-author of The Eye of the Beholder: Looking at Primary Sources, and The Write Path in History-Social Science. Also, for two decades Gary has published a variety of articles and publications- Strategic Teaching and Learning and Reading, Writing, and the Newspaper. He has been a consultant for McGraw Hill Publishing for many years.

Gary is currently a national consultant and a trainer of trainers for Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program. He lives in Del Mar, California and enjoys beach activities. Gary can be contacted at gkroesch@gmail.com