An Elephant Never Forgets

by Amelia Lionheart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/22/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781462060795
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9781462060801

About the Book


J – Junior
E – Environmentalists
A – And
C – Conservationists

in their third thrilling adventure!

This time the JEACs – Rohan, Amy, Nimal, Anu, Gina and Mich– from India and Canada are heading to Sri Lanka for their summer holidays and will be based at the Alighasa Wildlife Conservation. They learn, upon arrival in Sri Lanka, that the Conservation is in the process of expanding, and that some of the animals, especially the elephants – who tend to break out of the current section and destroy farmers’ crops – will be relocated to the new area, which will have stronger barriers. Relocating elephants will be a novel experience for the JEACs and they look forward to it eagerly. However, when several incidents of sabotage occur at the Conservation, it becomes evident to the staff at Alighasa, as well as to the JEACs, that somebody is attempting to delay the relocation of the elephants. To make matters worse, elephants are being killed and their tusks stolen. The JEACs, assisted by Mahesika (a Sri Lankan girl), strive to uncover the plot and capture the crooks!


About the Author

Amelia Lionheart has been writing for many years and is the published author of three books for children. She has a diploma in writing from the Institute of Children’s Literature, Connecticut, USA.

Amelia, who has lived and worked in several countries, believes very strongly in the conservation of wildlife and, in particular, the protection of endangered species. She is convinced that awareness of this issue, when imbued in children at an early age, is a vital step towards saving our planet.

As a member of several nature/wildlife preservation organizations, including the “Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust”, she encourages children and their families to become involved in local zoos and conservations.

Amelia’s other interests include environmental issues, volunteer work and fundraising. She believes that if people from different countries explore the diversity of cultures and learn from one another, they will soon discover that they have more similarities than dissimilarities. Some of these ideas are included in her books.

Please check out, Amelia’s website for children.