Santa Claus Is Alive and Well and Living on Wall Street

Spoiler Alert—This Is Not a Children’s Story!

by Bruce Gauthier



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/20/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781462012299
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781462012305
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781462012282

About the Book

Bruce Gauthier was strung along for years as a child and told to believe in Santa Claus. There were whispers about a big payout on Christmas Day, but really, it’s all just a lie.

As an adult, he realized that those who tell you to rely on the stock market for retirement are just like the people who lie about the man in the big red suit. The only difference is that the stakes are much higher.

Canada's national newspaper, The Globe and Mail, called the book one "of the year’s best writing on personal finance, market behaviour and investing strategies."

The Globe's David Parkinson gave this review: "Just in time for Christmas comes a book that says having faith in financial markets to deliver your retirement security is as stupid as believing in Santa Claus. (Read it to the kids. It’ll be a real eye-opener – once they stop crying.) Toronto resident Bruce Gauthier is no financial expert – just another regular Joe whose nest egg has floundered in the hands of the financial industry. Like the kid who found out there’s no Santa, he feels betrayed, lied to. At times he’s paranoid and irrational, seeing conspiracy theories all over the place. But beneath it all, there may be more truth here than most of us are comfortable admitting. His rants about regulatory oversight, stock options and short-selling are over the top, but they address some hard questions that maybe we all ought to be asking. Plus, it’s a strangely cathartic read – I feel like he’s more than angry enough for the both of us.

Santa Claus Is Alive and Well and Living on Wall Street is not for financiers, brokers, investment advisers, or anyone with access to inside information from Wall Street. Instead, it’s for the everyday worker who wants to protect their retirement savings.

About the Author

Bruce Gauthier sees an eerie similarity between children who are raised to believe in Santa Claus and adults who are taught to believe in the stock market to deliver a big present on retirement day. He wrote this book to caution those who let others invest their money. A musician and composer, he lives in Toronto.