Once Upon a Time in America

...How Conservatives' Ideologies Changed America...

by Thompson K. George



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/22/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781450286220
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781450286213

About the Book

'Thompson' K. George, author of ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA, shares with the world an intriguing and yet very heart-wrenching eye-witness account of events that was and still being inflicted on mankind by public figures in the 21st century in America....some of which remains best kept secrets to most American public and the rest of the world at large...chronicling the destructive policies that trails the dark past of the Bush-Cheney's era. An uncut revelation of the true state of things in America today with immigrants and citizens alike and the lowdown dirty innerworkings of the conservative right-wing ideologues in Washington.

'Once Upon A Time In America' tells it all. It portrays everyone's story and a message for all. A pure and timeless masterpiece of history of the 21st century. The author lives in Philadelphia and currently working on an upcoming documentary based on this masterpiece.

About the Author

'Thompson' K. George, author of ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA, shares with the world an intriguing and yet very heart-wrenching eye-witness account of events that was and still being inflicted on mankind by public figures in the 21st century in America....some of which remains best kept secrets to most American public and the rest of the world at large...chronicling the destructive policies that trails the dark past of the Bush-Cheney's era. An uncut revelation of the true state of things in America today with immigrants and citizens alike and the lowdown dirty innerworkings of the conservative right-wing ideologues in Washington.

'Once Upon A Time In America' tells it all. It portrays everyone's story and a message for all. A pure and timeless masterpiece of history of the 21st century. The author lives in Philadelphia and currently working on an upcoming documentary based on this masterpiece.