The Moral Decay of Society

America Under Attack!

by Eugene T. Motes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/31/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781450277891
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781450277884
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781450277877

About the Book

The Moral Decay of Society presents a summary of events that have taken place in America’s jaded recent history. To the point and possibly offensive to some, author Eugene T Motes’s essays aim to make people aware of what is happening around them.

We Americans are under attack by our own country. We are told to worry about the War on Terrorism, and to accept the physical and mental dangers faced by men and women in our military service. Why should we continue to support a war overseas, when we can’t even protect ourselves from the destruction and moral decline of our own country?

It is this moral decay at home that Motes wishes to address. Parents are in a desperate battle to save their children from perverted musical artists and movie companies. Teens are being slaughtered by the millions because parents are blind and ignorant. Only parents can protect their children from Satan other terrible influences, including rock, rap, heavy metal, Eclipse, True Blood, and Harry Potter, as well as numerous others that are responsible for the condition of the United States today.

Become a true parent to your children and help to stop The Moral Decay of Society.

About the Author

Eugene T. Motes is from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, but now resides in Enola, Pennsylvania. He is married, and he and his wife have two teenage daughters. He attends the Bridge of Faith Church.