Getting Things Done in Washington
Lessons for Progressives from Landmark Legislation
Book Details
About the Book
Boyett has written a book that will inspire you, lift your spirits, renew your faith in what progressives can accomplish, and show you a way forward. Getting Things Done in Washington tells the exciting stories of six great moments of progressive legislative history and the people who made them happen:
• James Madison and the founding fathers’ struggle to expand the power of the federal government, • The Ladies of Beekman Hill, George Wiley and the struggle for pure food and drugs, • Wilbur Mills and the struggle for universal health insurance, • Robert Wagner and the struggle for the right of labor to organize, • John Sherman and the struggle to rein in and regulate big business, and • Lyndon Johnson and the struggle for civil rights legislation.Boyett describes what it was like to live in America before progressives secured these historic pieces of legislation and how these legislative achievements changed the lives of every American. He introduces you to the fascinating men and women who led the efforts to pass this legislation and shows us how to defeat conservatives and once again get progressive things done in Washington.
Getting Things Done in Washington is vivid and exciting history. It will inspire you to work even harder for progressive causes. Most importantly, it will give you the tools to begin getting things done in Washington.
About the Author
Joseph H. Boyett (Ph.D) is the author of 16 other books including Won’t Get Fooled Again: A Voter’s Guide to Seeing Through the Lies, Getting Past the Propaganda, and Choosing the Best Leaders, Workplace 2000: The Revolution Reshaping American Business, and the five volume Guru Guide series. Dr. Boyett is a member of the Author’s Guild, the American Society of Journalists and Authors, and the American Political Science Association. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Georgia and lives in Alpharetta, Georgia near Atlanta.