Educating Voters for Rebuilding America

National Goals and Balanced Budget

by Jack E. Bowsher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/19/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781462014897
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781462014903
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 320
ISBN : 9781462014880

About the Book

Ten years ago, our nation was on the right road to fiscal stability with four years of surpluses totaling $560 billion. Unfortunately, private and public sector senior executives made serious mistakes during the past decade, resulting in our federal government being on the road to a financial meltdown. This could lead to a long-term and deep economic depression like the 1930s. In Educating Voters for Rebuilding America, Jack Bowsher takes a deep, investigative look into how Americans can turn the country around. To avoid many tax increases being discussed in Washington, DC, Bowsher argues that there must be systemic changes in many areas of our government and in the free enterprise system. Only then will Americans enjoy economic prosperity, higher employment levels, affordable education systems, a balanced budget, a modern, nation-wide energy system, and much more. Bowsher describes how these national goals can be achieved in this decade by implementing the required systemic changes, and also shows how Social Security and Medicare benefits can be affordable in future years. Voters must be educated on the major issues and challenges facing our nation. Only they have the power to end the civil war between our two political parties by electing qualified candidates in the White House and Congress in 2012. Educate yourself today!

About the Author

Jack Bowsher earned an accounting degree from the University of Illinois and an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago. He served on the Comptroller General of the United States Advisory Board at the GAO headquarters in Washington, DC. Bowsher is currently a board member on the World Affairs Council in San Diego, California.