Stories on the Benefits and Hazards of Cosmetic Surgery
Book Details
About the Book
Throughout recorded history different civilizations ranging from the ancient Middle East and the Hellenistic world to the Renaissance and moderm times have admired youthful beauty. They have voiced their admiration in literature and art. The medical advances of the 20th century have enabled surgeons to safely restore the youthful facial features of aging individuals, as well as correcting the many bodily changes that accompany advancing age.
Based on his experience as a plastic surgeon over a period of more than forty years in Israel, the author has vividly described both the benefits and hazards of cosmetic surgery in several short stories.
About the Author
Joseph Weinstein was born in Montreal and completed his medical studies in Paris. He has previously published a book The White Ojibway Medicine Man and Other Stories. This book is based on his experience as a plastic surgeon over a period of forty years in Israel.