Love, War and Ice Cream

Family Stories

by M. Z. Fairtlough



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/22/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781462093106
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781462093090
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 366
ISBN : 9781462093113

About the Book

Set in England, Italy and Spain during and after WWII, Love, War and Ice Cream paints a vivid portrait of Harry and Marina and their families, revealing their triumphs and tragedies, and the twists that ultimately bring them together.

Right from the start, we realize that this is not the usual account of family life. For one thing, it’s in short story form, and then there are the adorable photographs and hand-sketched illustrations. There are even instructions for many well-loved family games and recipes: a humble Northern Italian milk soup shares space with the quintessentially English ginger cake, and  also with the exuberant tortilla mixta from Southern Spain, all of which serve to celebrate the people we meet in this refreshing and innovative memoir.

Harry's family members—the Fairtloughs—were overwhelmed by the enormous social changes that occurred after the Great War, and dismayed by the sudden disappearance of their way of life. Marina's people—the Campos—were resourceful, willing and able to work hard to better their lot. As war simmered, they emigrated from Italy to Spain, where they sold delicious ice cream. Then Harry met Marina.

Blue Ink described the book as a “superbly written memoir of two families who represent vastly different cultures… Readers will fall in love with the whole bunch of Fairtloughs and Campos…”  For more information, please go to:

About the Author

M.Z. Fairtlough is English by birth, Italian by childhood, and American by adoption. After working for many years in the life sciences sector, she came to write by accident, when she came across some old family photographs. “They told such a wonderful, compelling story that I wanted to share that,” she says of her first book, Love, War and Ice Cream. “In this saga-of-sorts I wanted to blend the personal and the historical into an exploration of love and duty, on the meaning of family, and about growing up in different times.”