Graceful Lives

Family Origins, Life Story, and Descendents of William and Grace Lassey

by Bill Lassey, Mavis Berry & Marilyn Sackman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/23/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781462067978
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 68
ISBN : 9781462067961

About the Book

Graceful Lives summarizes the family history and descendents of William and Grace Lassey--parents of the authors. Th ey were both born and raised in western North Dakota, where their parents homesteaded in the early 20th Century. Th eir younger married years were a major challenge, as they tried to make a living on a farm in the depths of the Great Depression, while raising their children. Th ey overcame great odds to eventually prosper, while contributing mightily to their family, community, state, and nation. Th eir 58 descendents (as of 2011) are justly proud, and thankful for the huge contributions they made during their lifetimes.

About the Author

William R. Lassey, Ph.D., is a retired college professor (Washington State University), and lives in Scottsdale, Arizona, with his wife, Marie. He is author, or co-author of nine books--including two published by iUniverse.

Marilyn Sackman is retired from 20 years as a television station executive in Williston, North Dakota, and now manages her own rental apartments and houses in Williston and Sidney, Montana, where she now lives.

Mavis Berry is business manager of the family farm at Cartwright, North Dakota, where she lives with her husband, Ron.