China and the World

Global Crisis of Capitalism

by Ben Mah



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781462056804
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 376
ISBN : 9781462056811

About the Book

Ben Mah’s book is an excellent warning of the problems — indeed, economic depth charges — that were planted in China by the neoliberals who have destroyed nearly every economy where their advice was followed. Ben Mah’s “China and the World” describes what China should accept and what it should reject in Western advice. Michael Hudson: Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri Mr. Ben Mah is an acute observer. This book explodes the myth of “China’s Rise”, reveals the truth about how China’s economic policies have been misguided by neoliberalism. This is a good book that anyone concerned about China’s future should not miss. Genliang Jia, Professor, People’s University of ChinaAndong Zhu The essays in this book deserve great attention. Dajun Zhong, renowned economist Mr. Mah’s work could help us re-think the related policies and eliminate the influence of neoliberal ideology. Andong Zhu, Director, Qinghua University, China Mr. Mah’s work is a biting revelation of the unpleasant reality that lies behind such currently popular buzzwords as “privatization”, “marketization”, ”freedom of capital flow” and ”free trade”. Haibo Liu Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

About the Author

Ben Mah, a successful professional investor with a keen interest in business, economics, finance, and international affairs, is an author of six books which include America and China, America and the World, America in the Age of Neoliberalism, Financial Tsunami and Economic Crisis, China and the World. Many of his recent commentaries as well as three of his books have been translated, published and well received in China.