The Babylon Code
Is AMERICA in Prophecy?
Book Details
About the Book
At a reception in the Kremlin on November 17, 1956, Nikita Khrushchev made a startling comment aimed at America: “Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!” The break-up of the USSR in 1991 was hailed by the West—especially America—as a victory over communism and its global threat of tyranny. Throughout the world the cry was heard: “Communist rule is over! The evil empire is gone!” But was it? In The Babylon Code: Is AMERICA in Prophecy? author Richard N. Rhoades examines the writings of Russian dissidents and high-ranking communist military leaders to explain the real reason behind Khrushchev’s angry outburst and to illustrate why Russia is more dangerous today than ever before. His research reveals a long-range KGB strategic plan for global domination, known among some of the highest ranking Communist military defectors to the West. Rhoades also explores the real reason Russia is now flexing its muscles to the United States and the world, and what the ancient Hebrew prophets said about a great latter nation in the Bible code-named “Babylon,” whose real identity is mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures not once but twice as “AMERIKA” (AMERICA). The Babylon Code offers a well-researched, in-depth look at the causes of these threats and actions, viewing Russia, America and its Jewish inhabitants with a new perspective.
About the Author
Richard Rhoades holds a Master of Divinity degree from Asbury Theological Seminary.He is also the author of Lady Liberty: The Ancient Goddess of America and Faith of The Ages: The Hebraic Roots of the Christian Faith. He currently lives in California.