Happiness in San Francisco, Disaster in San Diego, and Other Sherwood Family Stories

The Times and Events in the Life of One Family over a 50-Year Period (1948-1998)

by Frank P. Sherwood



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/27/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781475935646
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781475935639

About the Book

This book is divided in two parts. The first, by far the larger, is a recording of events in the history of the Sherwood family, whose origins lie in the marriage of Frank P. Sherwood and Frances Howell on February 14, 1948. As might be anticipated, the first story is about a very happy honeymoon in San Francisco. The last story in Part One relates an experience of the family that grew out of the 1948 marriage, now numbering 11 people. They helped Frank and Frances celebrate their 50th anniversary with a week’s outing in Devon, England. In between these two quite delightful events, there were less welcome occasions when things did not go so well. The pets in the family, the experience with smoking, and the family finances also are subjects found in these chronicles. Part Two reverts to an earlier period before Frank was married, and it is essentially concerned with famous people he encountered as a young man. There are brief reports on President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the baseball star Ted Williams, and famed screen actress Ingrid Bergman, all of whom Frank met before his marriage in1948.

About the Author

Frank P. Sherwood, PhD is a retired professor and served primarily at two universities, the University of Southern California and Florida State University. He has edited and largely written six books published by iUniverse.