Diaries of Dissension

A Case Against the Irrational and Absurd

by Tommy Rodriguez



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/14/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781475919332
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781475919349

About the Book

Have you ever questioned the premise of your religious faith? Tommy Rodriguez certainly has. In fact, he is no stranger to questioning conventional wisdom. Having spent most of his adult life contemplating over such things, Rodriguez learned a thing or two about his religion that eventually sent him spiraling down a path of dissension and doubt. His first book entitled, “Diaries of Dissension,” proposes the question … is religion a legitimate source of truth? Rodriguez embarks on a self-illuminating quest to answer this question, plus many more. Years of scientific research have led Rodriguez to value the importance of skeptical inquiry. Written for the non-specialist, this book seeks to propagate a public understanding for science education. In doing so, Rodriguez pursues the ambitious task of taking on the tenets of religion in order to resolve humanity’s most profound questions, while invoking a few surprising twists that Rodriguez foresees as an inescapable predicament to religious faith.

About the Author

Tommy Rodriguez is no stranger to questioning conventional wisdom. Having spent most of his life overcoming his own internal demons, Tommy learned a thing or two about his religion that eventually sent him spiraling down a path of dissension and doubt. With a scientific background in computational biology research, Rodriguez uses science to bring forth a case against the establishment of religion. A big supporter of education, Tommy hopes to be instrumental in propagating scientific awareness, the pursuit of truth, and skeptical inquiry.